Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Playing wid Pointers


Pointer are the
Derived Type Data Type,Which points to the address of the variable.

Common use of Pointer->

1.Accessing Array element.
2.Passing Argument to the function,when function need to modify original argument.
3.Obtaining memory from the system.
4.Creating Data structure like Link List

Address of operator & ->

The address of variable can be find using 'address of operator- &'
example :
int i;
int* ptr;
cout<<& i;

~ The Automatic variable are stored in stack,So while accessing address they appear in decending order.
~External variable address appear to be in acceding order,As they store in Heap.

@ There is difference in
'address of operator &' and 'reference operator &'
~ 'A of OP &' precedes a
variable name in a variable declaration.
~'R of OP &' follows type in in function prototype or definition.

example .... passing variable to function :-

void cal(int &); //prototype declaration for 'passing by reference'
void cal(int *) ;//prototype declaration for 'passing by address'

int var;
call(var);//passing by reference
call(&var);// passing by address

void call(int& v);//function definition in 'pass by reference'
void call(int* ptr)//function definition in 'pass by address'

~passing by reference mean passing an
alias of variable.
~While in pointer we pass address of variable.

int* PTR->
The asterisk means pointer to.
~We say variable PTR is pointer to Int.

Above we have said that pointer is Data type, then why we do not define the variable as
POINTER ptr; as in case of INT data type.

@ Reason-
becoz need to know kind of variable pointer points to, As compiler has to calculate the memory allocation as in case of array. Example is given below.

Accessing the Variable->
~ variable are access using its address rather than its name
int i;
int* ptr;
ptr=& i;
cout<<*ptr;//value of variable will be display. *ptr -
when asterisk sign is used in front of variable name it is called indirect operator.
it mean value of variable pointed to by.Indirection operator some time also call dereference operator.

int *ptr//declartion: pointer to int
*ptr =3//indirect or dereference operator

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